Miriam Anzovin is a millennial TikToker who is transforming Talmud study for the social media age. Her “hot takes” on Daf Yomi, where a person learns one page of Talmud every day, have drawn viral attention from supporters and critics alike. She joins David Zvi Kalman, a Hartman Scholar in Residence and Director of New Media, and Yehuda Kurtzer, to discuss the future and accessibility of Torah study, the whirlwind of going viral on social media, and sh*tposting on the Torah – literally.
This episode originally aired on February 8th, 2022.
Featuring Jill Stauffer (Associate Professor of Peace, Justice, and Human Rights; Haverford College) and Aaron Koller (Professor of Near Eastern Studies; Yeshiva University).
Anti-Palestinian violence committed by disaffected young Israelis increased by 50% in 2021. Why do the IDF, the police, and society turn a blind eye...
Identity/Crisis is a production of the Shalom Hartman Institute. Music by SoCalled. Links from this episode: Michael Walzer: https://www.resetdoc.org/story/citizenship-pluralism-and-political-action/ Mishnah Bava Batra 1:5: https://www.sefaria.org/Mishnah_Bava_Batra.1.5?lang=bi&with=all&lang2=en