Guest host David Zvi Kalman asks Meredith Lewis (PJ Library) about how PJ Library works, how the organization is responding to criticism, and what the future of Jewish children's literature might look like.
Featuring Benay Lappe (Svara), Arielle Korman (Ammud), and Yehuda Kurtzer (Hartman)
Shayna Weiss (Brandeis University) and Joe Schwartz (Asif) join Yehuda Kurtzer to discuss Israeli music for this special Yom Ha'atzmaut episode, charting the 20th...
Featuring Rivka Press Schwartz (SAR / Hartman), Anshel Pfeffer (Haaretz), and Yehuda Kurtzer (Hartman). Mentioned in this episode: Yehuda Kurtzer, "Memory Malpractice:" Anshel...